Anna Józefa Raźny – profesor dr hab., rosjoznawca, kulturoznawca, politolog oraz polityk, była dyrektor Instytutu Rosji i Europy Wschodniej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
Autorka książek: Fiodor Dostojewski. Filozofia człowieka a problemy poetyki (1988), Słowianie wschodni. Duchowość, mentalność, kultura (wraz z Danutą Piwowarską) (1997), Literatura wobec zniewolenia totalitarnego. Warłama Szałamowa świadectwo prawdy (1999).
Outgoing president Joe Biden may have given former NIAID Director Anthony Fauci a “pass” in the form of a pre-emptive pardon for any crime he may have committed, including creating or...
The choices Americans make about the products they use in their homes can seem trivial in comparison to matters like violent crime, diseases, and war. Yet, these choices are in fact very important....
President Joe Biden has stood out among United States presidents in his refusal for years to talk with the leader of the Russia government. This refusal to talk with Russia President Vladimir Putin...
The Department of Justice is one of many institutions that have encouraged the pervasive influence of DEI and SEL (Social Emotional Learning) in America’s education system.
Their latest line of attack is to trumpet that Dr. Oz once owned stock in some of the nation’s most successful businesses.
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