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"Tak: wpakowali nas w butelkę ojcowie rewolucji! W butelkę wpakowali, propagandą zakorkowali i na zawsze durniami zrobili" - Sergiusz Piasecki

Co dalej z Polską, Europą, naszymi wartościami? | Braun, Łęcki, Ziętek-Wielomska, Zaorska i Rola.

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"Wartość wykształcenia nie polega na zasobie wiadomości, lecz na umiejętności tworzenia poglądów."

Myśl Polska - najstarszy polski tygodnik - ukazuje się od 1941 roku

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The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity is a project of Dr. Paul’s Foundation for Rational Economics and Education

Peace and Prosperity Blog | The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity
  • Good News: Americans Distrust Mass Media
    15 październik 2024
    The American people are grasping the bias of mass media. When Gallup first asked Americans in 1972 “how much trust and confidence do you have in the mass media,” 68 percent of polled individuals...
  • Julian Assange Speaks
    03 październik 2024
    It was wonderful news to many people last week when word came that Julian Assange would speak publicly this week. For a long time it seemed that such a day would never come as Assange suffered in...
  • J.D. Vance, Israel Firster
    02 październik 2024
    Donald Trump likes to talk about how he puts America first. Last night, Trump’s presidential race running mate J.D. Vance made it clear that Vance has other priorities. In answer to the first...

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