Fundacja Pro Vita Bona


"Wartość wykształcenia nie polega na zasobie wiadomości, lecz na umiejętności tworzenia poglądów."

Myśl Polska - najstarszy polski tygodnik - ukazuje się od 1941 roku

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The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity is a project of Dr. Paul’s Foundation for Rational Economics and Education

Peace and Prosperity Blog | The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity
  • Defunding NPR
    09 listopad 2024
    Elon Musk has talked about eliminating at least two trillion dollars of United States government yearly spending. While it would contribute a small portion toward this grand goal, a spending cut...
  • Don’t Urge Hotels to Censor, Even in the Name of Opposing Genocide
    07 listopad 2024
    Medea Benjamin has done much good in educating people about violent aspects of United States foreign policy and why such should be opposed. But, via a brief video Benjamin posted Thursday at...
  • Medical Workers Say No to Coronavirus Shots
    05 listopad 2024
    Though much pushed by government, companies, and media, the successive coronavirus “vaccine” shots have become increasingly unpopular. This includes among medical workers. On Thursday, the Centers...

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